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Because every parent is the best expert on their child...

Book physiotherapy consultation
Physiotherapy and psychomotor development consultation

Physiotherapy and psychomotor development consultation

Individual consultation for parents with a baby from 6 weeks of age will give you peace of mind and reassurance if you want to make sure your baby is developing properly.

The experienced eye of a physiotherapist will spot any deviations early on and advise on how to work with your baby to get their psychomotor development back on track.

Not sure about your baby's development?

  • Do they have a flattened head?
  • Do they look mostly to one side?
  • Are they not happy on their tummy?
  • Can't roll from their back to tummy even though they should be able to do it by now?
  • When lying on back, is their body not on centerline but off to one side?
  • Do they often arch their back?

A preventive examination by a physiotherapist is particularly suitable for a baby who:

  • Has undergone a long birth process
  • was born by caesarean section, vex or forceps
  • Had slower adaptation after birth with lower APGAR score
  • Had a broken collarbone


Physiotherapy consultation - 40 minutes

800 CZK

Book a consultation


Book a consultation

By clicking on the book a consulation you will be redirected to the booking system where you can choose from the available appointments.